It's a huge blow and an extra feeling of being kicked while we are already down today. So many wasted hours of meetings, designs, and engineering time... LOST.
Our original electric motor sponsor let us down after their UK director left, but his central organisation wouldn't uphold his offer. This was after we promoted our partnership in national magazines and published interviews. We had the offer in writing by email.
The second sponsor company that stepped in to assist went quiet on us when delivery was due and became impossible to contact. Again, we had the offer in writing.
Sadly, a third distributor has been unable to follow up on their rescue offer. Skipper truly believes they tried their best, but he is still disappointed.
It has left us with another financial hole, as other sponsors and labour providers have let us down when the time to collect has arrived. Should we name and shame some of our flakey sponsors? Probably. It would make us feel better, but we must stay professional and focused.
We can hope to find new reliable supporters, but what we can not get back is our time and effort. We desperately want to get Poppet finished and launched for sea trials before December's expedition. We are running about six to eight weeks behind launching due to weather and the theft of our shelter guy ropes, which caused its winter damage. We can't outsource the work, and Skipper may have to give up even more of his professional and family time, but this is already severely strained.
Skipper and First Mate have invested heavily with their own money, time, blood, sweat, and staked their reputations, much to the suffering of their family, friends, and colleagues.
Every waking moment we spend trying to find new sponsors is time we should be spending at home, at work, working/training on Poppet, and lost opportunities to raise money for our favourite charities.
If you can help us, please get in touch.
Corporate Sponsors:
Personal Sponsors:
Please donate to our Charities:
Skipper - 25/08/2024