Donate directly to the charities (with Gift Aid)
To donate £1 text POPPET to 70201
To donate £3 text POPPET to 70331
To donate £5 text POPPET to 70970
To donate £10 text POPPET to 70191
* Fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme, operating as DONATE, a charity registered in England and Wales (1149800) and Scotland (SC045106). In addition to any text donation, you will incur your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates). For Terms & Conditions, see
Total raised for charities (including Gift Aid) so far
Multiple Ways To Donate:
GiveWheel and Text To Give
will allow you to donate directly to the chosen charities (with Gift Aid).
will allow you to sponsor the boat and logistics.
Visit the online store
Sofa To Sailboat can accept cheques and bank transfers directly to our community bank account.
Other Ways To Help:
Please follow and share our social media pages with your friends, family, and colleagues. The links can be found at bottom of every page on this website.
Amazon, 'Go Outdoors', and Supermarket Vouchers will help with loose equipment, meals, sundries and provisions.
If you would like to help in this way, please contact the project via email: